Not So Wordless Wednesday – I Am Here – Free Writing


Talking to my inner peace, my space to take it all in, into my conscious mind

My physical body resting, peaceful in this place

My senses taking in the sounds around

The birds singing

The silence that isn’t silence

Humming in my ears

Whooshing of my heart

Softness of my breath

Clock ticking the fake time away

The now of just being here in this space

Taking notice of the way my physical body feels

The tightness across my lower back

Pressure on my tummy

The ache of my eye

Throbbing of feet

This all in my physical being that in this time I inhabit

Which is an instrument I can use how I will

Thoughts pinging here to there

I can be lead, let it me be guided for the better, learning, feeling

Being guided by an energy, a force that already knows

It is here to guide me

I am here to listen

Take note

For it is right

It knows what this ‘being’ is here to do

To teach

To guide

To help

To learn

I just let it be and it will come to my physical thought

My consciousness

It is right

It is all right

The energy has lead me to this point of now

I am guided

I am that

I am now

Ancestors, hold on to your wigs…

I don’t normally join in the daily post but this one caught my attention.

If one of your late ancestors were to come back from the dead and join you for dinner, what things about your family would this person find the most shocking?

Daily Post

The list would be endless to make my ancestors run out screaming with horror at the world they had come into and the family it now was!

My personal list would go something like this, try and explain half of this to time traveling stranger… divorce, gay marriage, grandchildren out of wedlock, working a ‘mans’ job, family darkness, to name but a few!

Of cause for me and to most of you nothing about this is shocking because all of this has become the norm now, times change, things move on, people develop. I wonder what it will be like for my family future?

Its one thing I have never been interested in is finding out about pass ghosts, they belong in the pass, I bet they weren’t that innocent either! x

WPC – Cover Art


Weekly Photo Challenge

I like this weeks challenge!

I shall tell you why, this is actually a cover I have given to some writing I have started to put together. I have, like many, popped some things down, do you want a read of how it starts….

I am even afraid to start, and where do you start? I don’t know I’m sure, where would you start telling strangers about your journey? Every ones life pathways are all going in different directions. My journey, (even though I hope I am not even halfway through yet), has weaved an interesting path so far, well I think so any- way, and you might find it interesting, or even helpful to know that there is some- one who might have had the same experi- ences as you, that you are not the only one, you are not alone. Some might judge my story, well lets face it all of you will, we all judge, we are making judgments about people all the time conscience and sub consciously, some right, some wrong.

I am going to have to write this my way,

My friend, I’ll say it clear, I’ll state my case of which I’m certain.

I am no writer and no reader. I can count on one hand how many whole books I have ever read. So the paragraphs are going to be small for the low concentration levels of some, like me. There are going to be pictures, I have always liked books with lots of pictures, it’s something pretty to look for us visual learners…..

So there we go! X

Writing 101 – Day Nineteen – Reverse Bucket List

400 words… Free writing, scary, no editing, tricky!

My reverse bucket list, many people have their bucket list of things to do before they die, I wonder where that name came from, bucket, anyway. So thought I would do my reverse bucket list of all the things I don’t want to do before I die.

The first has got to be anything to do with extreme heights, like parachute jumps or bungee jumps. Who in their right mind voluntarily throws themselves off or out of something? I know a lot of people do but that is not for me, thank you very much.

I do not do being cold or wet on any level, so this means I do not want to visit anywhere like Alaska, go skiing, in fact anything to do with snow or ice you can rule me out, and yes I know many of you will say how beautiful all that is, but I can see pictures of it all from the comfort of my home.

Become a naturist, no way on earth am I going to bare all for anyone. Have my bits dangling or see anyone else’s bits swinging in the wind.

Learn a new language, I know you will say how lazy, but I have tried but I just don’t get it. I struggle with my own language at times, so having to translate that into an alien speak is just to much for my brain to take.

This is one I’m sure that many of you will disagree with, I know, but I have no desire to see the northern lights. I have seen lots of pretty pictures of it but the thought of traipsing to a cold place, get up early to possibly catch a flicker in the sky does not appeal to me, sorry!

Doing a triathlon does not appeal either. I might at a push attempt a marathon one day. But I think a triathlon is related to the fact of having to get wet and I don’t do bikes either.

Go back packing for a year. I just never have seen the attraction to the whole back-pack for a year thing. I like to be home, I like to wash my clothes regularly and sleep in my bed. So unless the sofa is moving with me, i might manage a week.

Climb mount Everest, we had a man come and do a talk at school who had climbed Mount Everest, it was an amazing achievement for him, but it totally put me off, because what I didn’t realise was you don’t just plod your way upwards, but so your body gets used to the altitude you go up a bit then come back down, up a bit more then come back down, then go up a bit more then come back down, you get the idea. Well you end up climbing it a dozen times just to get to the top. No thank you.

Eat live spiders or any other kinds of bugs, don’t feel the need to prove myself to anyone, and that includes me. Plus, both me and my body know we can’t handle it, and we are fine with that.

Be pregnant again, done that, got the t shirt and stretch marks to prove it didn’t like it then, and wouldn’t like it now.

Swim in the big wide ocean. One word: sharks. Two words: jelly fish. Two other words: rip tides. See also: “cold”, “choppy”, “cramps”, “search was called off on account of darkness” and “not waving but drowning”

Well I think this might be around the 400 word mark, but I don’t have a word count on the ipad.

What would be on your reverse bucket list? I would be interested to know! X

Writing 101 – Size Matters

This challenge I found interesting, to describe where you lived at the age of twelve. Well I have started to write about this on the page St Trinians with a slash of Hogwarts
At the age of twelve my home was a boarding school, and I wanted to write about it because the experience effected me deeply. So this is the beginning of it….

I thought I would share with you my experience of secondary school because I think I’m safe to say that my adventure was different to most people. Just imagine a place that was a mixture of the fun and excitement of St Trinians, the mystery of Hogwarts, and the incarceration of prison, that was the place where I was sent. I say sent, I went willingly, but I think it was not ‘what it said on the tin’, or the picture that was sold to me. I went because I was told that I would have to give up my dancing when I go to secondary, bearing in mind I was dancing every single day, it was my life, so yes I would have done anything to continue. It sounded like heaven dancing, singing, music and drama all day and weekends, even better, all of this and with no parents. What more could a you want?

The process to get into the school was rigorous, even to get an interview at the school, photos, and letters needed to be completed before you set a toe on the grounds. The audition day was jam packed with, a singing, dancing, drama, and academic tests. There seemed to me that there was hundreds of hopefuls going for a place at this prestigious school, that I did not think there was a hope in hell that a young naive farmer girl like me would never be good enough for a place like this. The only thing that I thought had going for me was when the head teacher was interviewing me in front if a panel of five, and a room full of peers, worst than the x factor, was she asked what my father did for a living, I said a farmer, her eyes lit up. Maybe she thought oh this one will be alright because her dad owns land, he will be able to pay the fees.

And so that day came and went and we played the waiting game for the letter to arrive to give us the verdict, is she in or is she out? Well she was in and the excitement of this new adventure was just great at the time. I could boost to children of where I was going, which I relished in because up till now I had just been there in the background not really good at anything no one really noticing me, but oh they took noticed now, especially my dancing chums, because some of them had tried to get into a school like this and couldn’t or their parents could not afford the fees. I was in the local paper, which was not hard I suppose, because I would only have to sniff and mother put it in the newspapers. But all in all I was enjoying this new found celebrity statues. Just getting the uniform or should I say uniforms was an adventure in its self. The never ending list arrived for the paraphernalia we needed to have, there was five sets of different uniforms, daily wear, summer uniform, winter uniform, Sunday best uniform and dance uniform, all of this to be purchased from a huge department store in London. So with all this you can imagine my eagerness to get to this magical place was at fever pitch. Little did I know how quickly this would fizzle away.

First day had arrived and after travelling seven hours with large full red trunk in tow, we finally arrived and drove up the gravel driveway. The only way I can describe it is something out of ‘Sense and Sensibility’. Bearing in mind I was looking at this through the eyes of an eleven year old everything looked enormous, the building was majestic, an original Rothschild mansion. The main entrance was over towered by two stone pillars which looked like they were guarding the wooden doors and what was beyond. I was in ore and feeling apprehensive to even getting out of the car. There was what seemed like, hundreds of cars with little wide eyed faces peering out of their car windows, being guided were to park, I had arrived. Were to go now? Walking between the stone guards we went up the staircase and into the lobby area which was floor to ceiling covered in photos of people past, royalty, cups and certificates. Gave them my name and was pointed towards a door. When I walked through the door what I saw to me was just this mystical place, a grand stairway going up, doors, pillars, marble floor, and a huge glass window which the height of the hall looking into a room which was the first dance studio I saw, but this studio was no ordinary dance studio that I had seen before. It was panelled with oak, had gargoyles glaring down at you, two fire places that you could stand in, barres, mirrors, and a grand piano situated in the large bay windows. We were told to put my trunk in the ballet room, which was one of the doors off the hallway. Yet another studio, this one was decorated in pale blue, again had a fire place, barres, mirrors and another grand piano. The room was jammed with trunks all sizes and colours, in joined my red one. What next? We wondered around aimlessly taking in the surroundings found two more studios off the main hallway. One a red room which looked out to the back gardens, where there was tennis courts. A room, which was a ballroom, the grandest room yet. It had a fireplace that had two marble angels either side hovering, glaring over you. The scent of the whole place was dust. There were many clusters of parents with their offspring all doing the same as us, wondering around not quite know what was going to happen next. Then it was indicated that the parents had to leave their blossoms. Now as far as I can remember I could not wait for my parents to leave, not even watching them go it was kind of a ‘ya right then bye’, then they were gone. I wish in hindsight that I had savoured their leaving because this was the last time I was to see them or speak to them for seven weeks. A bit like the doors in ‘porridge’, bang our sentence began.

That was it I was on my own, a new everything. I don’t really remember how I got there but I was shown to my dormitory. It was in another building so walking to it gave me opportunity to get a glimpse at more of my new home. I was taken down a staircase beyond the hallway which brought us to a basement. This looked dark and grey, a contrast to the grandeur of upstairs, the walls concrete and tiled, a rabbit warren of corridors. This must have been where the servants lived and worked when the mansion was owned by the Rothschild’s. We went through and then out a back door into a courtyard. Across and beyond was a building they called the Clockhouse, probably because of the great big clock on top of the building. To the left of the Clockhouse was a conservatory kind of building, which inside has potters wheels, art work, benches, and sculptures. I was taken in through the front door of the Clockhouse and up a sweeping staircase, along a rickety corridor, with many doors along, to a door that was last but one to the end, numbered seven. Here we were my cell, or should I say room. I do not know what I was expecting, you have visions in your head of boarding school dormitories, don’t you, of these large long rooms, with rows of beds either side, a bit hospital like. Well this was not what I was thinking at all, I walked through the door and I saw four beds, four chairs, four chests of drawers and three hard looking pairs of eyes staring at me, in a room smaller than my lounge now. The other three beds had been taken there was one left, I guessed this must be mine then. It was in the corner, behind the door. Just as was just thinking what next, the strangest looking person flung the door open. She was, I would say in her seventies, but I bet she was younger than she looked. She had a humped back, dragon like features and the brightest purple hair I had ever seen. She introduced herself as Mrs Veal in her crackly voice and she was the matron, scary, this was my part time mother, help. She spoke about rules, regulations and I don’t know what. In time I was to learn her catch phrase, ‘I just don’t want to know’, she would say this after she had asked what you were doing, and before you had chance to get your sentence out she without fail would come out with her catch phase. Seriously why did she ask then?

Writing 101, Day Six and Seven combined!

I have kinda started a story linked with both prompts, about two characters and their dialogue! I find crime writing very interesting and there could be a lot of scope with the chararcters.

I literally have wrote this in fifteen minutes, in between getting home from a busy day at school and cooking my sons tea and going out to the pub. So sorry it isn’t more extended, basically short, but it gives you an idea, and maybe you can come up with your own conclusions about what has happened. Enjoy! X

Inspector Hill heard the footsteps coming down the echoey corridor. ‘Ok she’s on her way, keep it cool’ he thought to himself. The door swung opened and there she finally stood, the one that had nearly got away. The inspector was surprised on how small she was, quite frail looking really, older than he was expecting. Her head hanging down, grey streaked hair covering most of her face, not quite being able to see her eyes. Clothes baggy, not fitting. Hands dangling in the oversized cuffs.
“Sit down”, the inspector ordered, pointing to the chair.
She shuffled over and eased herself down, head not rising.
“Have to been read your rights?”, the women didn’t speak.
“Have you been read your rights?” He repeated.
“Yes”, finally came an answer.
“Do you want your solicitor present?”
“The prisoner waves their right to a solicitor” speaking into the recorder.
“Ok, let’s start at the beginning, you said in your first statement that on the night of October the 3rd you were woken by your husband making, quote ‘funny’ noises next to you, is this correct?”
“Yes, but..”
“Then, when you put the light on and looked over to him he was covered in blood, is this correct?”
“Yes, but I ….”
“You pulled the bed clothes off of him and you noticed there was blood coming out of his stomach, did you try to stop the bleeding? why did you not call for an ambulance as soon as you discovered he was injured?, why..”
Suddenly rising to her feet, slamming her hands on the table, looking the inspector straight in the eye, “I did, you don’t understand, I don’t know what happened, I was asleep, one minute I was going to sleep next to my husband, the next I am sleeping in a pool of blood”.

Writing 101, Day Five: Be Brief

You stumble upon a random letter on the path. You read it. It affects you deeply, and you wish it could be returned to the person to which it’s addressed. Write a story about this encounter.

Today’s twist: Approach this post in as few words as possible.

Lovely, I love short and sweet!

What’s that?
A letter?
Shall I pick it up?
No ones about,
Well just a peek
Oh look it accidentally opened…..honestly your honour
Dear reader,
If you are reading this then you are already dead!

Writing 101

Writing 101, Day Three: Top Three Songs

Write about the three most important songs in your life — what do they mean to you?

What a tricky one, considering music is my life, being brought up in a musical family, being a dancer, teaching dance, being a choreographer, now a music teacher. To narrow it down to three is difficult, but I will give it a go! 

1. Has to be from my favourite band Queen ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ I have chose this because this song always cheers me up, makes me jump up, turn the volume up high and sing at the top of my voice.

2. Is Frank Sinatra ‘Theme from New York, New York’ again this is another song that uplifts me and I can’t sit still to. 

3. If you were to look on my iTunes to the song that has been played the most, so I am guessing this is one of my top favourites, is ‘Listen’ by Beyoncé. There is a pattern here I think because all the songs I like are belters. 

There are many songs that bring back memories and emotions to me, we would be here all day, but those three were the first to come into my head, so they must mean something! X

Writing 101 Day Three

Writing 101 Day 1 & 2 – A Place Called Heaven

Writing 101

 I am going to combine yesterday’s subject of just free writing for 20 mins and to today’s idea of what place would I zoom to right now, if that’s ok, because it kills two birds in one stone…. Where ever that saying comes from! I don’t class myself as a writer, and for a creative person I’m not so good at writing about fantasy, only reality. 

Sipping on my last dreg of tea, a breeze gently sweeps across my face. I shut my eyes, lift my head up and like a sunflower staining to find the last ray of the sun, the feeling of warmth shrouds my face like a hot flannel. Instantly the tension that has been building up softens, I sigh inwardly. Around me, peace, silence, except for the hypnotic, almost rhythmical movement of soft waves caressing the sand. I slowly open my eyes and before me is blue, upon silver, upon blue, layers of heaven sparkling. I don’t want to move, I want to soak up the moment so it never ends, it will, I know, but just a bit longer, let me stay here with nothing that needs to be done, teach, say, arrange, manage, cope with, just nothing, a great big pit of nothing. Not a mother, a partner, a teacher, a listener, a friend, just me.

I know that isn’t much for 20 minutes of writing, but it is about setting a scene I think. I would say I hope you are all there with me, but I would be lying.