Wordless Wednesday 

WPC – Dance


Weekly Photo Challenge

There’s rhythm and motion all around us…


My boy on the beach a couple of days ago, see the joy in his face! x

WPC – State Of Mind


Weekly Photo Challenge

Interpret this how you wish….

Spiralling out of control?…

Cluttered mind?…


Light at the end of the tunnel?…

I don’t know, you tell me x

WPC – Life Imitates Art

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Weekly Photo Challenge

This is a tad abstract but in this piece of art I see the face of my handsome dog!

Can you see it? x

Selfie Sunday


I have had a week off on annual leave, (well except Wednesday I went in as a favour!) And I have been doing lots of dog walks in the wind and rain.

The first picture I went for the Arabian nights look trudging through the desert, except it was so cold on my delicate little face I needed to cover it. The second look is the Men in Black look, dressed in a alien rubber protection from acid slime suit.

WPC – Intricate 


I know, another picture of my boy, but I just love this picture, it sure is intricate! 

There is something powerful about looking into your dogs eyes, they are really trying to work out what you are thinking, what is your next move. They help heal and they soothe.

If you look really close into his eyes you will see me reflecting in them! X

Weekly Photo Challenge

Do you wanna build a snowman?


I thought I would drop you all a line, just to let you know I’m still alive!
I have noticed I haven’t blogged for a while, this is for many reasons really, enthusiasm, time, not feeling very interesting, changes, to name a few.

But this morning we woke to it snowing, first time here for four years, and the first time my hairy baby boy has seen it! So I thought I would share some pictures with you, which is what I do best! X

Click on here to see his first reaction!
Do you wanna play?




My Week In Photos!


I thought I would sum my half term week up in the photos that I have taken. I have finally got my camera up and running again. When you move house it does take a while to find the little things that make your life so easy, like chargers, adaptors, memory cards, etc, so with all of them reunited I now have a working camera.

The picture above is of one of the wood walks in Bovey Tracey, Devon, it has been a beautiful week weatherwise, and this next picture will prove that…


This is Teignmouth, Devon….


Then we have had Halloween, my OH carved some great pumpkins…


This one I particularly love…


Last night our family had a fireworks night in the garden, and it has to be done, making shapes with the sparklers…



These look like spirits dancing in the night…


I tried to write my name, you can just make out the n,e,t…


This is really clear of OHs…


Last but not least I’m going to spend my Sunday with my boy doing lots of work around the sofa!
Ta ta for now!


Beautiful Sunny Day Play!

Going to have to do two blog posts today because just been up the field with the dog and OH took their camera, and inspired by Crufts yesterday, has taken some action shoots of the boy! There was loads of great ones to choose from, but here is just a selection of them, enjoy! X














Feb Photo Challenge 9 – Winters Day


Firstly, I’m a bit chuffed with myself that I’m on day nine of my challenge and I haven’t missed a day yet! Which is quite good for me because usually life takes over.

I’m feeling exhausted today, got a real Sunday feeling. Still have to do usual Sunday jobs.

What’s your usual Sunday jobs?
Mine, bins, washing, hoovering, washing and more washing! Lots of muddy towels and clothes at the moment! …. Oh and yes, walking the pooch!

I thought this picture sums up the day really, a typical winters day. This is another beautiful picture my OH took.

Note to OH when you read this…..start taking some pictures again, get your camera out of the cupboard, cos I’m missing your lovely pictures!

Love ya! X

Feb Photo Challenge 8 – Dotty


Went this evening to visit my granddaughter, and my son of cause, he took this picture of her doing her first ballet pose! Obviously takes after her nana! (Still a bit weird saying that)

Her first tooth has just pushed through and is now standing up around the furniture, as you can see!

See you tomorrow! X

Feb Photo Challenge 7 – Dartmoor Zoo



These pictures were taken at Dartmoor zoo, Devon.

They still stun me with their beauty! X

Feb Photo Challenge 6 – Dragonfly


Just having a look though some pictures, trying to get some inspiration for a post today, I found this picture which I would say is one of my favourite pictures my OH has taken. This fella landed on my finger on a summers day and sat there for a pose! I love the detail of the wings.

See you tomorrow! (I’m managing to keep up with daily post, quite chuffed, shall go off and shine my chuffty badge)

Feb Photo Challenge 4 – Looe Cornwall


Just a short and sweet post this evening, have just got in! Been a long day!

Just thought I would post a picture of blue sky because I have forgotten what it looks like! As I type there is gale force winds, and driving rain outside, the conservatory roof has just blown off to add to the side blowing out! So now the floor looks like a paddling pool.

The picture is of a beach down in Looe, Cornwall.

Hope for those of you in England you don’t get blown away!

See you tomorrow! X

Feb Photo Challenge 3 – Dog Training

As you read yesterday we have now had our hairy friend for a year and for nearly every Monday of that year we have been going to training with him. We started in the puppy class, were he took his bronze kennel club award, then we was moved up to the big boys class, which is where he is practising for his silver award.

Monday night at training is one of the most entertaining evenings of the week, you might be thinking ‘blimey she doesn’t get out much’, but honestly it is so entertaining! The lady in charge is hilarious, and a little scary, but each week something makes me laugh. Some weeks all the dogs are just mental, full moon, other nights they behave. You have dogs and owners all shapes and sizes and she calls my dog ‘the big boy’, the mop and bucket comes out every week

Going to training has totally been the making of me and my dog! I don’t think I could have done it without the support I have had there, it has been something that OH and me have been going to together and something that we have keep at.

The best evening was the Christmas party, you haven’t lived until you have seen dogs playing musical statues, I think musical chairs was the highlight for me, which my boy won! There is a Saturday night ITV show in that I tell you!




Feb Photo Challenge 2 – Happy Birthday Ty

It’s been a year today that Tyler the German Shepard has been living with us! It has gone quickly but it also feels he has always been here. He has fitted very well into our family, I never thought that I would have time for dog in my life but we have managed to make it work without having to leave him for long periods of time, in fact he comes everywhere with me! He loves the car and I brought a car with an extra big boot especially for him, because he is a very big boy, the biggest german Shepard that I have ever seen. That normally the second thing that people say when they meet him, the first being, isn’t he handsome, the second, he is big! We have a good weekly routine between me and my OH to have him and he goes to doggy day care twice a week, training classes once a week and I’m going to start agility at Easter when the weather cheers up!

The things I miss…
Having lie ins, even though I am a morning person, which is just as well, I never like to leave him without going outside longer than 8. I’ve had to start my working day earlier to fit him in for a walk before work! The dark and wet mornings have been a joy! Not!

A clean house, even though I’m not a show house kinda person, you can’t be living on a farm, having a dog brings more mess, more dust, hair on the carpet, muddy paw prints, half chews smelly bones and doggy toys.

Going out for long periods of time and not having to worry that you need to get back for the dog, that is always at the back of your mind when you are a dog owner, how long have you left them.

The things having a dog has brought to my life…

Pure joy, I love having him, in fact my grown up children say I love the dog and treat him better than I do them…. They are probably right!

Exercise, since having him I have lost a stone and a half just because of walking every day. He has about two hours a day!

Comfort, his cuddles are amazing he snuggles right in and sometimes that is really needed!

Security, when he sits proudly by my side I feel safe and reassured, he is very protective of his pack. I walk confidently in dark woods knowing no one is coming near me with him beside me! When walking down the street people give me a wide birth.

Advice I would give if you are thinking of getting a dog…

I wasn’t planning on getting a dog because I didn’t think with working full time it would work but you do make it work if you have a helpful partner and don’t mind spending out on doggy care.

It is expensive having a dog, he eats a lot, treats, toys, training, care, crate, bedding, insurance and the biggest expense vets. So you do need to budget for it.

He chose me I didn’t go out looking for a dog, I saw him out with his breeder one Saturday afternoon and it was love at first sight, he just sat at my feet and looked up at me, then that was it. Really I never thought I would get a German Shepard breed because I was always scared of them after getting bitten by one as a child, but I don’t see that when I look at him.

It is the same commitment having a dog as having another child in the house, they need structure, routines, love, security and consist disipline.

Walking, if you don’t like walking then don’t get a dog. You have to go out everyday come wind, rain, sleet, hail, cold. I have got myself some good warm waterproofs. The mud and rain lately has been getting on my nerves a bit now, roll on the spring and summer! I go out about three times a day, one of those being at least an hour walk. I am lucky I live in the countryside surrounded by fields and woods and I have the moors ten minutes away and beaches.

So now for the pictures…

This is him just before he come to us.


This is in his first week with us.


This is one of my many favourite pictures because this is him how he is at home playing.


In fact, this is my favourite picture of me and my dog!


And this is him this morning a year on!




As you


As you can imagine I could have shown you hundreds of pictures, he has been in woods, on beaches, on the moors, up farms, in a caravan, in a lodge even in a speed boat, so not a bad life, is it? X

A lucky boy am I ….

I was saying to my little (well not so little) pup tonight on our walk in our woods, how lucky we were to be able to walk in this lovely place everyday!

So I thought I would just share with you some pictures of our walk today! And so you can also see how my baby boy is doing, he is 8 mouths old now and will be taking his bronze kennel club award in July, hopefully with a bit of practise!

Thanks for dropping by x











Puppy Update!


I thought I would give you all an update on the progress of my new baby boy!

I have had my new addition now two months and wow they change things. We weren’t even thinking of getting a dog until one day we were out and saw down the aisle of the pet shop a bundle of playful fluff, it was love at first sight. Then the breeder said those immortal words ‘he is for sale’ that was it our world has been turned upside down. Just when I thought I was coming to the end of ‘looking after’ and my children were all grown up and leaving the nest, I end up getting another dependent. Puppies are easier than children mind, you can’t stick them in a crate when they are getting on your nerves, but it is just like having a child in the house again.

He is going to training every week and is doing ok, I do want to have a ‘good boy’ the only time he is not so good is when the cats are about, he is still getting trained to ignore his natural instinct to chase and play.

Even though I grew up on a farm surrounded by dogs and had a dog on my own, I had forgotten how much time they take up. But don’t get me wrong I am absolutely loving having him, in fact I am driving everyone mad because he is all I talk and think about. I never thought I had it in me.

New family member!

Hey boys and girls!

Just letting you know why I haven’t been about in cyber world for a couple of weeks!

Welcome to our new member of our family ‘Prince Ty’, a 4 month old German Shepard puppy!

We picked him up from his breeder last Saturday and things are just about settling down now. For you that know it is just like having a new child in the house, so I have been knackered. But I think we are getting ourselves together now and into a routine. It does mean I have to get up earlier now to sort doggy out before school. He has been out and about with me to school and with OH to work and he has been very good!

Thanks for dropping by! And I will give him a hug from you! Take care! X






Today’s walk…


Went for a walk up on Dartmoor today, as you can probably guess from the title! It was good to get out and blow away a few cobwebs (where ever that saying comes from). Walked only about 4 miles, so a short one today. I am very lucky that I have this out my back door.

I wish I had something deep and meaningful for you to read but I haven’t, sometimes your brain just won’t think that deeply. Some people are so creative in what they write, I wonder how long it takes them to think of stuff, does it just pop into their head. Some people just rant about anything, I’m not very good at ranting, wish I was better at really. I suppose because not a lot gets on my nerves. I like being asked questions because that stimulates my thinking.

So I won’t bore you anymore, you now can get back to what ever you were doing, thanks for dropping in!


