I’ll be my trailer!

Does my bum look fat on this?

Being an international model, I do have to watch my weight. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of these models that force their fur ball up to drop a size, I was blessed with this body!

I was only just….powder…I’m glowing darling…..saying to ‘Hunk’ my personal assistant that not many cats are born with this bone structure!

Off to Milan next week for a shoot for Paws! Will need to do a detox sweetie, I feel so bloated!…kiss kiss

From My iPhone

Location:Broadhempston,United Kingdom

Just me!

Still looking like a sad cat lady, aren’t I! I do have a life and from tomorrow it is all going to kick in again. so probably won’t be blogging so much and I am still trying to work out why the time of the blogs are wrong, any ideas?

Well I wrote the above a week ago and oh yes I was right my life, well let’s start my work life has kicked in again. Started with a non pupil day on Monday which means sitting in meetings, then training when all you want to do is get in the classrooms and get them ready for the kids. There are many changes going on in our school at the moment, which translate as already in the first week back teachers are feeling overwhelmed with the paper pushing they need to do. It was also an interesting start to our term because, as teachers we are always getting children running up to us in the corridor talking to us and telling us about things they have done and new things they have, well this particular child who has a vivid imagination and who is always wanting your attention ran up to me on the first day back saying ” miss, miss, I have got a hand grenede at home shall I bring it into show you?” Well me being in a hurry and not really listening to what he was saying because I was rushing to my next class, replied ” yes, yes that would be lovely”. The next day when arriving at school, a little bit late, was this child running up to me again, ” miss, miss, here is my hand grenede” and he presented in my hands the grenede. Well I looked down and thought’ shit, this is real and the pin is still in!’, in a very calm voice I ask him where did he get it from and he said he found it. The headteacher at that point walked around the corner and I carefully raised up my hands and with a fake smile said “look what Freddies’ (yes that’s not their real name) brought in”, at that the head started rushing around the school telling everyone to evacuate. With closer inspection of the grenede in my sweaty palms, I worked out that the pin was in fact a keyring holder.

I think what I have realised over this week, as I dabble into the syber work of Twitter and blogging, that when I am working, not much else is going on in my life. I find it difficult to find something interesting to write about that’s not connected to work. So I am going to need to get creative. Spent some time this morning looking though other people blogs, I didn’t realise there were so many people sharing their thoughts with the world, it’s endless isn’t it! You could spend hours reading it all, well I suppose some people do.


With this glorious weather we have been having, Razzel has taken to taking his daily exercising alfresco. Back in the days when he was fine tuning his battle skills, he often would ‘rough it’ out in the open to get ‘at one with nature’. Us mere mortals can only look in wonder at the lean like physic that you see before you.

Lifes a beach!

(Trying this out from my emails on my phone. So I can up date quicker. Cos if it is not easy and quick I won’t do it. Especially from next week when I’m back to work.)

Looking at the pictures I have posted already, does makes me look like a sad old cat lady. I can reassure you I am not. I work full time, am married and have children, so far from lonely. But Razzel the cat is a large, (in more than one way) character, and I feel his active and hectic lifestyle should be documented to all, so he can inspire you in leading a full life!

Here we have another inspiring picture of one of his favourite places to workout. Often his determination to motivate you to join in his vigorous training routine, he will break out into his lunges while you are in the couch potato mode, to put you at shame of your lazy life style. Thus forcing you to get up and moving.

Another one of his most used expert military training technique is to, in the evening, when we are at are least trenchant, anytime he sees us just settling down into a comfortable idle position, what us untrained people call ‘getting settled’, he engages into the martial art of ‘want to be let outside, then I want to come back in again, want to go outside then, back in again’. this aerobic exercise can last a whole ’24’ or ‘Lost’ episode, which is intended to raise the heart rate and keep it raised for an optimum time, which burns the most calories…. clever!