Wordless Wednesday – Happy


I’m a happy boy because I passed my Kennel Club Gold Award x

Wordless Wednesday – Daisy


This is ‘Daisy the cow’ we brought her at the weekend with some magic beans! x

WPC – State Of Mind


Weekly Photo Challenge

Interpret this how you wish….

Spiralling out of control?…

Cluttered mind?…


Light at the end of the tunnel?…

I don’t know, you tell me x

Optimistic Smile

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Weekly Photo Challenge

Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push, a smile, a world of optimism and hope, a ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.

My smiling bear picture was taken on one of my visits to Dartmoor zoo in Devon, England.

WPC Take 2 – Weight(less)

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After looking through other blogs on their response to ‘weight(less)’ I had a look through some of my old pictures and found these. I thought they fitted well. The dragonfly one above I would love to take credit for but my better half took that one, it is such a beautiful picture. I love the detail on the wings.

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This spider web was outside my classroom one morning, to be fair the web looks a bit laden down by the dew. I can never get the sparkle in the pictures that I see in real life, which is always disappointing.

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Again my better half took this one. Wouldn’t you just love to be flying high as free as a bird.

Weekly Photo Challenge

WPC – Nighttime


Here is my OHs star trail they took ages ago! This is definitely a nighttime picture!

Weekly Photo Challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge – Between


Weekly Photo Challenge

I know I have posted this picture before, but I think it represents the word ‘between’ well.

This picture was taken on a school trip I took the year 6s on. And this is two boys having a moment together. I find this a poignant picture, because these are boys were best friends all the way through primary school, I had seen their relationship have it’s ups and downs. The sad thing is that these boys went to separate secondary school, so I’m not sure if they still have contact. X

Weekly Photo Challenge – Extra, Extra


Weekly Photo Challenge

Well this is unlike me, submitting a late entry to a challenge! The OCD in me pains me that I’m not posting this on the day it came out, but life just got in the way, how very dare it! With the weather here in good old England is actually being sunny and warm for a change, I have been doing outdoor activities, like climbing trees, balancing from tree top to tree top, zip wiring… And think I’m joking but no I was doing all of that on Sunday! I’m just sorry I have no photo evidence of it, but it wasn’t a pretty sight!

I think that this photo is ok for this weeks theme. This was taken one morning on one of my many dog walks, going into the field we go into every morning. This spiders web was telling us… Keep out, you can’t come in here! Unfortunately the sparkle is not as good in the photograph as it could be, but you get the idea! X

Weekly Photo Challenge – Room To Breath

In this week’s photo challenge, share your take on the idea of room — it could be an actual room in your house, a favorite gallery in your local museum, a cubicle at work. You could also take this challenge in a more abstract direction, and show us where you feel like you have room — or lack it.Weekly Photo Challenge


This is more on the abstract side. This is a place where I feel I have ‘room’ to breath, even though looking at it from the outside in, it looks enclosed, over powering.


But inside as you can see I am happy! X

Weekly Photo Challenge – Split Second Story

Weekly Photo Challenge


As I don’t live in the hustle and bustle of a busy town or city, this picture is as hectic as it gets around here.

The split second story we have here is, if you look closely in the sky is a double rainbow. This picture was taken under the pressure of trying to keep a big dog under control from lunging at the cows, he doesn’t like cows, which is a bit of a shame considering we see them every day, I noticed there was a double rainbow so I quickly got my camera out to catch it, but it never comes out as good as it looks like in real life. But never mind! I always find them one of natures little miracles! X

Weekly Photo Challenge – Twist


Weekly Photo Challenge

This picture was taken by OH when we were just playing around with their new camera at the time.

Weekly Photo Challenge – On The Move

Weekly Photo Challenge



Sorry it seems to be dog photos again, but hey, what a handsome chap, on the move, on our speed boat, with the wind through his hair!

Doesn’t get better than that! X

Weekly Photo Challenge – Spring

Weekly Photo Challenge

What spring means to me…


Playing with my dog in the field…


Beautiful views of skies from my house….


And bluebells in the woods….


Weekly Photo Challenge – Letters


Weekly Photo Challenge

Well if I get my arse into gear I could have an early entry! How exciting!

This was taken on a school trip to the Ted Hughes trail, he is a poet.

Weekly Photo Challenge: The World Through Your Eyes


Weekly Photo Challenge

Well I have finally squeezed a little time to post a challenge!

If you work in a school you will understand that this is a busy time of year, what with SATS, trips, sports day, reports, assessments, fetes, observations, leaving performances etc

Here is my spin on seeing the world through my eyes! This is me, taking a picture, for a picture, on my walk! I’m liking the fact that the angle is making me look as if I have elephant legs!

Anyway, thanks for the visit, don’t forget to say hi! X

A lucky boy am I ….

I was saying to my little (well not so little) pup tonight on our walk in our woods, how lucky we were to be able to walk in this lovely place everyday!

So I thought I would just share with you some pictures of our walk today! And so you can also see how my baby boy is doing, he is 8 mouths old now and will be taking his bronze kennel club award in July, hopefully with a bit of practise!

Thanks for dropping by x











Daily Prompt: Menagerie …. More like zoo!

Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to?

Daily prompt

I would imagine that this subject will be a popular one because people’s pets are just as important and sometimes more important than members of their family!

We often refer to our house as a menagerie, because I love animals and have never been in a house without some sort of animal living with me. Probably comes from growing up on a farm. I still live on a farm, unfortunately not mine but I am still surrounded by animals. I feel they bring life to the house without them it would be empty. They teach us and children so many things, love, compassion, patience, about grief, responsibility, calm to name but a few!

So who is living in my house at the moment…. we have Razzle the boss, he is old, fat, grumpy, has a heart condition, he has used all is nine lives when he had a heart attack a few years ago!


Then we have Maccy, our male model. He is defiantly a wimp, but a lovely cat!


And this is what they spend most of their time doing! Well until our newest member appeared!


Our newest baby is Tyler piggy, or just Ty! He is a 5 month old German Shepard who as I type this is in the kitchen howling because we have just told him off for barking at the cats! Having time out! He is a 6th generation pedigree and has more paperwork than the car! We are taking him to puppy training classes and it is just like having a new child in the house!


We also have mice, unfortunately we did have three until last week so now have two!


We also have two fish tanks one tropical and one cold water, and a fish pond! So all in all about 25 fish and a frog! Outside on the farm there is ducks, geese, chickens, pigs and cows! So as you can see I do like to surround myself with the little critters! Poor OH, who grew up with hardly any animals!

In an ideal world I would not be teaching I would have my own small farm, which would open for visitors and let children from inner cities, special needs adults and children, adults with mental health problems all come a visit for free! Anyone could come volunteer to feed the animals, milk the cows, and generally help around. I could call it Queenies Sanctuary. X