

This is how my new year started, looking after the drunk and injured on New Year’s Eve night, from my temporary emergency treatment area in a old, cold church, where when the clock struck midnight the patient I was with realised it was midnight and proceeded to hug and kiss me.

Once home in the morning, a few hours sleep, still feeling like I had a hangover because I was so tired, I packed, caught a flight to my new year retreat after working all Christmas, I end up here…. Just a tad nicer I think, don’t you!


Champagne was waiting in our room! Breakfast followed by ice skating, spa treatments, wine cellar tour, swimming, eating, drinking and sleeping! Don’t mind if I do!


A small part of feels a bit guilty knowing at this very moment my colleagues will be working very hard to keep you all safe and well. But be rest assured I am writing this on the plane journey home and I will be soon back to it, to start all over again!

Cheers, happy new year! X

Feb Photo Challenge 20



Today started off being a day of nothing planned, but ended up beginning a real busy day!

Needed a boost so phoned hairdressers, felt like a change and I have ended up having my hair dyed dark purple. Looks pretty cool!

Then went for a lovely walk on the beach in Paignton, Devon. As you can see by the pictures it was a beautiful afternoon, not raining, which makes a change! Then you can’t go seaside without having a chippy supper, so ate chicken and chips in the car! Brill x

Photos of the day!


Took my dog on Teignmouth beach, Devon, England this afternoon! All these pictures were taken on the iPhone 5, on panoramic setting. I thought they were worth a post!






What have you been up to this afternoon?


Happy Birthday Queenie!


As you might have guessed already it was my birthday yesterday! And for my birthday I got a new camera. Which I am very excited about. This is the first camera that is all mine, no hand me downs or other peoples rejects! So now apart from blogging OHs lovely pictures, I can post ones that I have took. They won’t be as good, but it will give you a better idea of what happens in my day.

So we went to Plymouth for the day, down at the barbican. I like going there because it is by the sea , it has lovely shops, I like the aquarium, and most importantly it has lots of boats! After picking up my camera, we went for lunch as you see above! My ‘teacher’ look with my specs!


This is the very first picture taken with the new camera!


Now to try out all the different settings!


We went on a boat ride after lunch. So more playing around with the different settings, and trying to be a bit arty farty!


Below is the boat OH brought me for my birthday……..I wish!



Plymouth Hoe looks great from the water!







Had a lovely day! Thanks for dropping by! X

What do you want to do?

I don’t know about you, but a popular discussion in our house is when we have a spare day with no children because they are off at their dads house to sit looking at each other in the morning and say what do you want to do…don’t know what do you want to do….I don’t know what do you want to do…you choose….sound familiar?

We sat and played this game yesterday morning, it was a lovely sunny day in Devon and I was fed up with being in, because I knew if I stayed in I would just end up doing more housework and there is only so much of that you can do! So after tooing and froing with ideas we came to an agreement to behave like ‘grockles’ for the day. Now for those that don’t know what a ‘grockle’ is, it is what we Devon people call ‘holiday makers’. So we jumped into the MG, put the roof down and swanned it over to ‘Dawlish Warren’. For those who don’t know Dawlish warren is what you would typically imagine a Devon seaside holiday resort to look like. It has caravan sites, holiday homes, ice cream huts, grockle shops full of useless rubbish, rusty dodgems, go-karts, crazy golf, mushy over used looking sand, angry looking seagulls, crying children, stressed parents, weird stalls selling stuff that falls off a back of a lorry, all with a train line going through! We stayed long enough to have an ice cream with a flake, walk through, use the fragrant public loos, resist the urge to buy knock of Nescafe and spot a shoe hanging from the telephone line.

To end our tourist day we acted spontaneously and went to the local carnival, which we haven’t been to see for years, well since my boys were inflicted to sit in a chitty chitty bang bang car and paraded down the high street for all to see. It was nice but when did that tradition die out, only queen floats really. And to end the day right, to go to the fair, look at the rides and think ‘na’ and have a portion of greasy cheesy chips followed by a even greasier burger, washed down by a pint of lager! Perfeck!