There’s worst places to work! So Grateful 💜

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Wordless Wednesday – Sunrise

Today is going to be a beautiful day!

Small Steps

What small steps are you going to do today towards your future goals?

Small steps everyday!

Love to you all x

You Are Enough ❤️

Set it as a reminder on your phone!

Write it in your mirror!

Put it in your fridge!

Remind yourself….

You are enough

Love to you all x

The Ness, Devon, England

Took the hairy boy for a walk on the beach yesterday. Just beautiful!!

I’m very lucky that I live in a very lovely part of my country, Devon. This is Ness beach, which is in Shaldon near Teignmouth. The pictures where taken on the beach and then I walked along the coastal path, and looked down on the beach.

I love going to the beach just to clear my head. I often go in-between night shifts because I struggle the most, physically and mentally when I’m on night shifts. To be blunt it just fucks my body up!! But I’ve become aware of that now, I began to recognise the pattern so I put plans in place to support me during those times. I think that’s the key really when you having a low time…

  1. Recognising your patterns of moods…. When do they happen? What’s triggered it? Maybe keep a mood diary for a couple mouths so you can build up a picture.
  2. Plan for those times. Do nice things that make you happy such as listen to music, take a walk, hot bath, watch your favourite programme. Be kind to yourself
  3. Except that it is going to happen, and that’s ok. You are prepared, it’s normal, and it won’t last.

As soon as I excepted the fact that when I do a run of night shifts I’m going to feel tired, I’m going to feel low, I’m probably going to cry, I just felt better and did not stress myself out worrying why I was feeling like this.

Hope this helps.

Love to you all x

Surrey Sunset

Changing skies.

Like an oil painting isn’t it.

As the sun sets the colours change.

I feel there’s a book title in there somewhere!!


It’s amazing isn’t it that when you look at a picture what pops up in your head.

My beautiful dearest friend sent me these pictures of her walk the other evening.

Love to you x

Throwback Thursday 02/22/13 – WPC: Forward

As I have had this blog for a few years now, i thought it would be nice to revisit some old blog posts!

I posted this when I was still teaching, which profession I left 4 years ago now, and to be honest at times I miss. I miss the kids, the creativity, the fun. To be fair I can’t promise I won’t go back to it in some way in the future……

I wonder what these are up to now? Happy I hope….


The reason I chose this picture for this weeks challenge, is this picture was taken while on my last school trip with last years year six class. And I felt this picture was very poignant because these two boys had been best friends all the way from nursery, all the way though ups and downs of their primary life, both of them being sometimes a little challenging in their behaviour but just boys stuff, one of them having what I call ‘the swagger’ they where both lovely boys with great senses of humours, I loved them them to bits like they where my own. We had been though laughter, dressing up in dresses, hitting me accidentally with a cricket ball, cheeky comments and tears together.

I think this picture matches the theme ‘forward’ well, because here for just this moment they are both looking out to the lake, knowing that soon their lives will be changing and moving forward to separate secondary schools and this friendship will change. It does make me shed a tear.

Love to you all x

Wordless Wednesday – Warmth

I feel we all need a bit of warmth, sunshine, glow and radiance on this cold, wet, windy January morning!

Love to you all x

What do you need more of in your life?

Good question…

At this moment, whilst I’m sat at work, watching the seconds to the end of my short break, and before I face another persons personal drama, as I hear the rain splashing on the toad outside, and the rattles from the building as the wind picks up again…

Sun… yes the warm, comforting, glow of the sun…. yes that will do right now!

Love to you all x

Review, Reflect, Reborn

Wow 2017 what a year you have been. I started the year buying a page a day diary and wrote on page one in big letters….

This year is about self-help

  • Heal myself
  • No more hurt
  • Say no when I want to

As a child at school I was always a secret daily writer, and considering I was named as one of the thickos, in special classes, later labeled as dyslexic ,I kept a Dear Diary everyday and I still have those now… I’ve read them through, they are no Adrian Mole but a reminder of those times. I did not write about my feelings in those times because of the fear of someone reading it but what it did unknowingly teach me was about daily habits.

Daily habits have been my saving grace this year. I am a great believer in small daily habits. It’s trendy and traditional at this time of year to be setting your New Year resolutions, which really are another word for setting goals. But how many of us keep them up? And why is that? Many reasons I suppose, time, motivation, self discipline, goal feels too big because there’s no plan in place, fear, self talk, the kids need picking up, the tea needs cooking, where is your PE kit?, oh shit the dog just peed on the carpet, Aunt Bessie is ill, my nails need cutting, new series of Game of Thrones is about to start, why did you not tell me you needed to be dressed as a book character today, as we are walking out the door!!!! The list is endless.

Back to my words I wrote at the beginning of the year,

  • How was I going heal myself?
  • How am I going to have no more hurt?
  • How am I going to find the balls to stand up and say no when I want to?

This is what I have been asking myself in 2017, because to be honest with you they are massive asks aren’t they, ones that because of forty six years of learnt behaviours, negative ways of thinking, environments and people that have shaped me, all this I am going to have to change to reach the holy grail of happiness!

How am I, in the words of Russell Brand am I going to ‘unfuck’ myself?’

What are the things that have helped towards my written words I wrote?…. You notice I don’t like to use the words ‘goal’, ‘resolutions’ because I feel that puts me under to much pressure to achieve, and then I feel a failure or a loser or weak if I don’t achieve. These are just words, thoughts, no pressure, so what if I miss a day it does not matter, I can start again tomorrow, new day, new beginning, no failures just small steps, and as long as those steps are taken it is a step forward.

So here are the words I wrote a couple of days in my diary…



I am hoping over 2018, and what I have written down in my new diary is, I want to help people like me that want to unfuck themselves, maybe share with people that want to read it how I am doing it, instead of keeping my writings to myself, share some of it.

Questions to ponder…

  • How have you done this year?
  • How do you feel today?
  • What words would you write for next year?

Love to you all x

WPC – Face


Weekly Photo Challenge

Thats a grumpy face!

This is the face of my Granddaughter when she has just been woken up!

Naughty Nana!

WPC – Earth, Brief Encounter


Weekly Photo Challenge

Doing the job I am doing at the moment definitely puts everything into prospective.

We are here on this earth for a brief moment, one minute we are here the next we are gone, how ever you think of it, what your beliefs are, take this small window of life, grab it, squeeze the hell out of it, sometimes the journey is a struggle, thats ok because it doesn’t last forever.

You don’t take your ‘things’  with you,  you don’t take your money, that is all insignificant in the end.

You do leave behind the way you have made people feel, the way you have treated people, the kindness you shown, the care you have taken, the words that you have said, the laughter you have started, the tears you have shed, the memories you have created.

What are YOU leaving behind on this Earth? x

WPC – Landscape 

Weekly Photo Challenge  

Choosing a landscape photo is easy as I seem to have millions of them because I live in such a beautiful part of the world, having countryside, moorlands and coast to choose from! 

This is the panoramic view over the town I live near! X

WPC – Dance


Weekly Photo Challenge

There’s rhythm and motion all around us…


My boy on the beach a couple of days ago, see the joy in his face! x

Wordless Wednesday – Daisy


This is ‘Daisy the cow’ we brought her at the weekend with some magic beans! x

WPC – One Love


Weekly Photo Challenge

One Love, friendship

Looking back at my past blog posts I have used this picture three times. I love this picture because to me this represents the bond two friends have.

I took this picture a few years ago on a school trip to the local park. These boys where the classes little loveable rebels. I knew them from the day they started in nursery to the day they left in year six. They had been friends from that time in nursery and it had lasted all the way. They had their ups and downs, fall outs, but they always had that bond.

I’m so glad I caught this moment they had together that day, it just looked so peaceful, an unspoken conversation, closeness,  understanding. x

WPC – Harmony


Weekly Photo Challenge

Harmony…Tricky, can mean a million things to millions of people. To me it is how things complement each other, how things belong together to make one whole, the whole picture of how sky, sea and earth together together make our world, and each picture we take of the sky, sea and earth will look completely different but are only made up of those three elements.

This picture was taken one summers evening, whilst I was sitting on a wall eating fish and chips, at Teignmouth, Devon, England. x

WPC – State Of Mind


Weekly Photo Challenge

Interpret this how you wish….

Spiralling out of control?…

Cluttered mind?…


Light at the end of the tunnel?…

I don’t know, you tell me x

WPC – Seasons 

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I thought I would post a picture for each season,

As you see above Winter, this picture was taken on my old iPhone when in the rare occasion we actually got snow here, the last time being 2010. We went on a snow walk to the woods, very atmospheric!

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Following the cold dark Winters is Spring, this picture represents Spring well here for me, because I live in the countryside the farmers plant the maze and then cover it with plastic which leaves an effect around us like we are surrounded in sparkly water.

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Then of cause my favourite time Summer, this is me doing exactly what I want to be doing all the time, say no more you get the picture!


Then Autumn, or how some of you call it Fall, I love the colours at this time of year. The seasons just keep going round and round regardless, moving and changing. One thing you can be assured of. x

Weekly Photo Challenge

WPC – Life Imitates Art

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Weekly Photo Challenge

This is a tad abstract but in this piece of art I see the face of my handsome dog!

Can you see it? x

Vibrant Nature


Weekly Photo Challenge

My Second entry to this weeks challenge, the beauty of nature. I am sure I have many more pictures if I delve deep enough into the photo archives, but here are a tiny few that I could grab quickly. Again I don’t think I can take credit for taking these pictures, my OH is the clever one with the lens, I just benefit from them as material for this blog. x

Optimistic Smile

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Weekly Photo Challenge

Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push, a smile, a world of optimism and hope, a ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.

My smiling bear picture was taken on one of my visits to Dartmoor zoo in Devon, England.

WPC – Optimistic


Weekly Photo Challenge

I am optimistic that one day soon I shall be again be supping a cold lager, looking over the sea, on a warm summers evening! x

WPC – Alphabet Mark Deux

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Weekly Photo Challenge

Again these pictures were taken on the same school trip, it was to enhance their creative writing, it is called the Ted Hughes trail. He is a local famous poet.

WPC Take 2 – Weight(less)

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After looking through other blogs on their response to ‘weight(less)’ I had a look through some of my old pictures and found these. I thought they fitted well. The dragonfly one above I would love to take credit for but my better half took that one, it is such a beautiful picture. I love the detail on the wings.

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This spider web was outside my classroom one morning, to be fair the web looks a bit laden down by the dew. I can never get the sparkle in the pictures that I see in real life, which is always disappointing.

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Again my better half took this one. Wouldn’t you just love to be flying high as free as a bird.

Weekly Photo Challenge

WPC – Weight(less)

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In mind,

Free from worry,



Wash away,


(this picture was taken of me at sunset in the Maldives)

Weekly Photo Challenge

Weekly Photo Challenge – Now

Weekly Photo Challenge


Hello WordPress world!

Haven’t been here for a long time, have been learning a new career, I have gone from dancer, to teacher, now I am training to be a paramedic! (don’t get excited it is going to take a while) I know I must be mad starting all over again, but it is never to late while I have breath in my body!

This picture just sums up what my life is like at the moment, unpredictable, I have gone from the routine of schools to the world of shift work, I have worked all over christmas for the first time, which I must admit i quite enjoyed!

I took this picture at Sandygate rugby stadium were I had be sent to on my shift on boxing day to cover the players just incase any of them needed a trip to hospital! I have never been to a rugby match before, I had the privilege of coming through the tunnel with the players and sitting pitch side able to be in the centre of all the action, luckily my services were not required.

i just don’t know where my day is going at the moment, one minute I am fighting off a drunk, helping a child, picking up someone off the floor, holding someone in their last moments, stopping a foot from falling off, wiping body fluids off my shoes, then I end up at a sports event!

Take care! x


WPC – Forces of Nature 


We are very lucky in the corner of our world, we have four main beautiful parts of nature, woodland, moorland, sea and countryside, all on my doorstep! 

Weekly Photo Challenge

WPC – Intricate 


I know, another picture of my boy, but I just love this picture, it sure is intricate! 

There is something powerful about looking into your dogs eyes, they are really trying to work out what you are thinking, what is your next move. They help heal and they soothe.

If you look really close into his eyes you will see me reflecting in them! X

Weekly Photo Challenge

WPC – Orange You Glad It’s Photo Challenge Time?

Weekly Photo Challenge

These are examples of the best colour orange I know! 

These beautiful animals live at Dartmoor Zoo, Devon and the pictures were taken by my OH! 

Stunning pictures aren’t they! X