Not So Wordless Wednesday – I Am Here – Free Writing


Talking to my inner peace, my space to take it all in, into my conscious mind

My physical body resting, peaceful in this place

My senses taking in the sounds around

The birds singing

The silence that isn’t silence

Humming in my ears

Whooshing of my heart

Softness of my breath

Clock ticking the fake time away

The now of just being here in this space

Taking notice of the way my physical body feels

The tightness across my lower back

Pressure on my tummy

The ache of my eye

Throbbing of feet

This all in my physical being that in this time I inhabit

Which is an instrument I can use how I will

Thoughts pinging here to there

I can be lead, let it me be guided for the better, learning, feeling

Being guided by an energy, a force that already knows

It is here to guide me

I am here to listen

Take note

For it is right

It knows what this ‘being’ is here to do

To teach

To guide

To help

To learn

I just let it be and it will come to my physical thought

My consciousness

It is right

It is all right

The energy has lead me to this point of now

I am guided

I am that

I am now