Daily Prompt: Take Two

Run outside. Take a picture of the first thing you see. Run inside. Take a picture of the second thing you see. Write about the connection between these two random objects, people, or scenes.

The Daily Post

I ran outside, well more like strolled, and baring in mind it is dark and peeing down with rain, this is the first thing I saw! Our pond that is made out of a 50p bath.


Then strolled back inside and the first thing I see is my dining table and on it is the beautiful flowers my OH gave me for our wedding anniversary last week!


The connection is my lovely OH (other half) because OH made the pond outside and OH gave me the flowers! Simple! X

Daily Prompt: 1984


You’re locked in a room with your greatest fear. Describe what’s in the room:

Can I just start with saying I am a little excited because I have come across this blog a while ago The Daily Post and I have been reading it everyday, but not quite understanding how it all works and being a little scared to give it a go, but here I am building the courage to join in!

So back to the above question…well I do have a big fear and it might even take me a while just to be able to type the word, because even that makes me feel sick just thinking about having to do that! In this house they are called ‘Cs’ because I can’t even say the word and everyone is banned from saying it. And it is a good job I live in a country where they are not common. I did go on holiday in Florida and they have millions of them, to the point where my poor OH spent the whole time on edge and thought that we would have to come home because of me freaking out. I wonder if you have guessed what it is yet?

I think I do have a deep psychological reason why I don’t like them and that is thanks to my peppered dragging up… See I am delaying saying the word….

So here goes…. And to most of you you will probably think what is the problem, stupid women, but those of you that have a great fear in something you will understand the feelings of sickness, heart racing, faintness, sweaty palms, frozen in fearness…. So I suppose you now want me to tell you… Well sorry, I just can’t so I will leave you guessing.

So if that is what is locked with me in a room I probably would die of …. Something!

p.s the picture is my happy place where I go when I’m scared

p.p.s I will be very chuffed with myself if this post ends up where I hope it might! X