Looking Beyond Fear

You may or may not have noticed I haven’t posted anything on here for a long time and the only honest answer I have for that is ….

Fear has been stopping me

F- false

E- evidence

A- appearing

R- real

Fear of being rejected

Fear of being laughed at

Fear of people talking about me

Fear of exposure

Fear of social media

Fear of lack of control

Fear of perfection

Fear of getting it wrong

I know fear makes me feel I want to hide, makes me shut down, not want to try, not want to engage. Fear leads to anxiety, anxiety being the brain looking for worst-case scenario, the brain over thinking.

But brain…is that true? Where’s the evidence for that?

We are in control of our brain… your brain is like an unruly child, if left unattended with a box of matches and a bottle of vodka all hell lets loose!!!

It natters and screams if doesn’t get its own way, whines if it has to do something it doesn’t want to do, stamps it feet in defiance and goes off in a strop…

What I am learning is if I look at my fear, break it down, and ask myself the question…. is that true?

It could be it, could not be…

What are you going to do let your child run the show?

I know when I have stepped forward and faced a fear I have been pleasantly surprised on the fact I felt proud of myself and it has lead to new and exciting things.

What are you afraid to do today?

What’s stopping you?

What small step could you do today towards facing that?

Today my step was posting this

Love to you

Tuesday Tune

Music is a massive factor in my life. It helps so much for lifting up my vibration. Of cause music can also have the opposite effect can’t it. We all have that tune that takes us back to a time, and we instantly feel those same emotions again. This is why have a playlist that if i need to be brought instantly up I stick it on and off I go dancing around the lounge.

This song is one of those for me, and thanks to my beautiful friend it is new to my repertoire of uplifters. This is the one I stick on when i’m tired after a long difficult night shift and I have only had 3 hours sleep, it never fails to have me dancing around the house.

Enjoy my lovelies x